Prescribing Information Text

Web-site creation and design : Alex M
Owner : Alex M - 802 064 022 00014 / MC35402
Host : Izihost - Maïdo Production - 109, boulevard d'Haussonville - 54 000 Nancy

Browsing this website, you accept the terms and conditions of use referenced on this page, knowing that they can change. This non exhaustive website aims to present the various activities of Alex M and can be accessible during update operations. Inquiries should be addressed to Alexandra Morlot - 88600 Bruyères - France or by e-mail In accordance with the code of intellectual property rights, Alex M is the unique owner of the copyright, of reproduction, distribution, etc of the works presented on this website. Any reproduction, even partial, is strictly forbidden without a written authorization of Alex M, under penalty of prosecution (According to article L335-2 and others of the code of intellectual property rights ). This site was designed with HTML5 et CSS3. The visitors make a commitment to connect it with a compatible equipment and up to date, both at the level of the browser and of the antivirus. Alex M DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY in case of damage on the user equipment.